The cost of telling it. The agony of not telling it.
The truth is not static. Just because you do not speak it, does not make it go away.
It waits.
"Truth remains truth – spoken or silent. Eventually, it will come out. It will be heard. And when it does, there’s no going back." Ronna Detrick
No going back... It sounds so ominous, doesn't it. But I am learning to be okay with that. Who wants to stay somewhere that doesn't fit anymore? Like wearing shoes that don't fit. Ouch!
I'd rather be barefoot... in the sand.
I am learning that it is okay to leave behind the things that I have outgrown. I am looking less longingly behind and looking forward to allowing endings and envisioning beginnings.
I am painting less glorified pictures of Egypt and more pictures of stark, beautiful desert landscapes.
I am learning to like sand.
Telling the truth propels you forward. It takes you somewhere else than the place that you have been.
I have no idea where I am going. I just know that I can't stay here.
I'm SO there with you, Rebecca. Beautiful sand, indeed.
"I have no idea where I am going. I just know I can't stay here."
Oh wow, how those words resonate with me in so many ways.
I saw your comment on Ronna's post and thought I'd check things out at your place. This desert seems to be turning into quite an oasis of sacred feminine goddesses.
I didn't know you had a blog! Damn girl, I'll follow you!
Everything you said on the blog, I understand 100%.
We are strong women. We will survive.
//disco dancing
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